World Backup Day – What would you do …

… if you lost everything? March 31 is World Backup Day, an annual reminder that data needs to be protected from things like malware, hardware failures, and human error.

Failure to back up your data

It's a basic notion, yet it's one that gets ignored all too often: Data can be lost swiftly and simply, with little fanfare or reason for anyone to realise that it's gone. Many businesses do not have a complete backup strategy in place, despite the value of their data. This can be explained by a few very human factors:

  • The belief that a terrible event "would never happen to me" 
  • Failure to pay attention to recovery time and recovery point goals
  • Trust in a single, on-site copy of essential data as a complete backup solution
  • Failure to undertake "fire drills" and other backup system testing
  • Operating systems, SaaS data, and other mission-critical data are not adequately protected by insufficient backup procedures.
  • Prioritizing data backup over security and other technological or IT projects

Any one of these backup failures can be excruciating, and a combination of them can be disastrous for a company. If any of these characteristics exist in your company, you should address them right now.

How World Backup Day can help you

Even firms that have developed a sophisticated backup and data security strategy are vulnerable if their plans have not been deployed and thoroughly verified. While most of us understand that every day should be backup day, the annual World Backup Day serves as a catalyst for discussion on the subject. Visit the World Backup Day website if you need help emphasising the significance of data backup. They offer a variety of resources to assist you in persuading your friends, family, and coworkers.

How can Qual help you?

While World Backup Day considers data backup to be "a second copy of all your crucial files" that you keep "somewhere safe," Qual takes a different approach. We can provide a variety of comprehensive security solutions with numerous layers of defence, as well as current, thorough, and accessible data backups.

Barracuda Backup, for example, is a simple and cost-effective backup solution with multiple deployment choices. For more information, visit our website and contact us for a free 30-day trial.