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National Cyber Security Awareness Month

— OCTOBER 2024 —

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Strengthen your business security this National Cyber Security Awareness Month! Stay ahead with expert insights and proactive solutions tailored for complete cyber security protection. Are you confident in your organisation's cyber resilience? Contact us today to discuss.

Security Awareness Training

Cyber Security Awareness Training is designed to equip employees with the knowledge to identify and respond to various cyber threats, such as phishing, malware, and social engineering attacks. This training helps create a vigilant workforce that can serve as the first line of defence against cyber threats.

Human error is one of the leading causes of data breaches. Without proper training, employees may unknowingly expose the organisation to significant risks. For example, it’s crucial to ask, "Are you sure your users understand what to look out for in email requests?"

A single click on a malicious link can lead to devastating consequences. Regular training helps prevent these incidents by ensuring that employees are aware of the warning signs and know how to handle suspicious communications.

Prevention is better than a fix when it comes to cyber security. By proactively educating your team, you can avoid the costly aftermath of data breaches and operational disruptions. Addressing potential threats before they escalate is far more effective than trying to manage the fallout after an attack.

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Schedule regular training sessions that cover the latest security threats and protocols.

report suspicious activity iconreport suspicious activity icon

Encourage openness, where employees feel comfortable reporting suspicious activities without fear of repercussions.

phishing test iconphishing test icon

Conduct simulated phishing campaigns to evaluate how employees respond to realistic attack scenarios. 

Reduces Risk of Breaches ✅

Training minimises the chances of human error leading to costly data breaches and security incidents.

Strengthens Security Culture ✅

A well-informed workforce creates a robust security culture, where everyone plays a role in protecting the organisation.

Improves Incident Response ✅

Employees who are trained to recognise and report threats can help contain and mitigate incidents more effectively.

Compliance ✅

Many regulatory frameworks require regular security awareness training as part of data protection measures.

Enhances Employee Awareness ✅

Regular security awareness training ensures that employees are always alert and aware of the latest cyber threats.

Penetration (PEN) Testing

Penetration Testing (PEN Testing) is a simulated cyber-attack on your system or network to identify security weaknesses before malicious actors can exploit them. This proactive approach helps organisations pinpoint vulnerabilities, test the effectiveness of their security measures, and improve their overall security posture. 

Regular PEN Testing is crucial for maintaining a strong defence against cyber threats. Without it, hidden vulnerabilities can go unnoticed, leaving your network exposed to potential attacks. When was the last time you verified your network for vulnerabilities? If it’s been a while, now is the time to reassess your security stance to ensure all potential entry points are secured. 

Additionally, if you’ve been using the same testing provider for a long time, it may be worth considering a change. When did you last change your Pen Test supplier? Different providers can offer fresh perspectives and identify issues that may have been overlooked previously. A new set of eyes can make all the difference in uncovering hidden flaws in your defences.

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Schedule regular PEN Testing to evaluate your network's security posture and uncover vulnerabilities.

update security policies iconupdate security policies icon

Review and update security policies based on the findings from the Pentration (PEN) Testing reports.

assess security iconassess security icon

Employ both internal & external testing to assess the security of your internal systems as well as the perimeter. 

Weaknesses ✅

PEN Testing helps you identify and address security gaps before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

Aligns With
Compliance ✅

For organisations aiming for compliance with standards like HIPAA or PCI DSS, regular PEN Testing is essential.

Improves Security Posture ✅

Continuous testing and improvement of your security measures build a stronger defence against evolving cyber threats.

Enhances Risk Management ✅

By understanding your vulnerabilities, you can prioritize and address them, reducing the overall risk to your business.

Confidence ✅

Regular testing reassures stakeholders & customers that you are taking proactive steps to secure their data and maintain operational integrity.

Security Backup

Security Backup involves creating secure copies of your critical data, applications, and systems to ensure business continuity in case of data loss, corruption, or cyber attacks. This process helps organisations quickly recover and resume operations, minimising downtime and financial impact. 

Many businesses rely heavily on cloud services like Microsoft 365 for everyday operations, storing essential data in SharePoint, Exchange Online, OneDrive, and Teams. But what would happen if your MS365 data is compromised or, worse, lost? Despite its robust infrastructure, Microsoft recommends using third-party backup solutions to protect this data, as their native capabilities are limited to short-term retention and recovery options. 

Imagine the impact on your business if you suddenly lost access to your communication channels, project files, or customer information stored in these platforms. How long could you survive without access to this data? Even a few hours of downtime could disrupt operations, damage customer trust, and result in significant financial losses. 

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Implement a comprehensive backup solution that covers all critical data, including large cloud services like Microsoft 365.

easily access data iconeasily access data icon

Use third-party backup tools to ensure that your SharePoint, Exchange Online, OneDrive, and Teams data is securely backed up and readily accessible for recovery.

test backups icontest backups icon

Regularly test your backup and recovery processes to ensure that you can restore data quickly and effectively in the event of an incident. 

Ensures Business Continuity ✅

A comprehensive backup strategy allows you to recover quickly from data loss, minimising downtime and keeping your operations running smoothly.

Protects Against
Cyber Threats ✅

In the event of a ransomware attack or other  cyber incident, having secure backups enables you to restore your systems without paying a ransom or losing critical data.

Compliance ✅

Many regulations require robust data protection measures, including regular backups. Implementing these practices can help you meet compliance standards.

Reduces Financial Impact ✅

Prevents costly disruptions and potential revenue loss by enabling rapid data recovery and minimising operational delays.

Provides Peace
of Mind ✅

Knowing that your data is securely backed up and recoverable provides confidence and stability for your business.

Email Security

Email Security encompasses strategies and technologies designed to protect email communications from threats like phishing, spam, malware, and unauthorised access. It is essential for safeguarding sensitive business information and maintaining the integrity of your communications.

Email remains one of the primary attack vectors for cybercriminals, targeting businesses of all sizes. Despite having security measures in place, many organisations still find email security to be a vulnerability. Would you like to see what’s getting through your existing email security solution? It’s not uncommon for sophisticated phishing emails or malicious attachments to slip past basic filters, putting your company at risk. Without adequate training, employees may not recognise phishing attempts or other email-based threats, putting the organisation at risk.

Another concern is the usability of your current solution. Are you happy with the UI and usability? An overly complex interface can make it difficult for your team to manage security settings and monitor threats effectively, leading to potential gaps in protection. Furthermore, as renewal time approaches, it’s worth asking: Are you satisfied with the renewal cost? Many businesses find themselves locked into costly contracts without fully utilising the features or benefits provided by their current solution.

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Implement advanced email security solutions with features such as AI-based threat detection, sandboxing, and data loss prevention.

analyse email iconanalyse email icon

Regularly review your email security settings and policies to ensure they align with current threats and business needs. 

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Conduct security audits to evaluate the effectiveness of your existing solution and identify any areas for improvement.

Enhanced Threat Detection

Advanced email security solutions can detect and block sophisticated threats before they reach your inbox, significantly reducing the risk of breaches. 


A user-friendly interface makes it easier to manage security settings, monitor threats, and respond quickly to incidents. 


By choosing the right solution, you can optimise your security investment, avoiding high renewal costs while still receiving top-tier protection. 


Strong email security measures help ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA, protecting your business from legal and financial penalties. 


Effective email security reduces the risk of downtime caused by malware or ransomware attacks, allowing your team to focus on core business activities. 

Application Security involves protecting software applications from vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals to gain unauthorised access, steal data, or disrupt operations. This includes securing web applications, APIs, and mobile apps, which are often targeted by attackers looking to exploit weak points in an organisation’s defences. 

In today’s digital landscape, almost every business relies on a variety of applications to operate efficiently. We all use applications, but how many do you host? Whether it’s customer-facing web applications, internal tools, or third-party integrations, each one represents a potential entry point for cyber-attacks. Application exploitation is a common method for breaching businesses, leading to operational disruption, financial loss, and even brand damage. Who’s protecting your web-facing applications? If you’re unsure, it’s time to assess your security measures and ensure that your applications are fortified against threats. 

The risks associated with application vulnerabilities are significant. Attackers can exploit flaws to gain access to sensitive data, install malware, or take control of the entire system. A single vulnerability in a web-facing application can expose your entire network to attack, underscoring the importance of comprehensive application security

analyse applications iconanalyse applications icon

Conduct frequent security assessments of all applications, including web-facing ones, to identify and fix vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. 

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Implement secure coding practices and conduct regular code reviews to minimise the risk of vulnerabilities being introduced during development.

web application firewall iconweb application firewall icon

Use Web Application Firewalls to protect against common threats such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

monitor applications iconmonitor applications icon

Deploy tools that continuously monitor your applications for unusual activity or potential security breaches. 

Reduced Risk of Breaches

By securing your applications, you minimise the risk of unauthorised access, data breaches, and other cyber threats. 

Improved Trust & Confidence

Customers and stakeholders feel more secure knowing that you prioritise the security of your applications, which strengthens your brand’s reputation. 

Compliance & Regulatory Support ✅

Robust application security helps you comply with data protection regulations and avoid potential fines or legal issues. 


Securing your applications ensures that your business operations run smoothly without the risk of downtime caused by security incidents. 

Enhanced Development Lifecycle

Implementing security best practices in your development processes leads to more secure and reliable applications, reducing the need for costly post-release fixes. 

Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials (CE) is a UK Government-backed certification scheme designed to help organisations protect themselves against common online threats. It provides a framework of basic security measures that all businesses, regardless of size, should implement. Cyber Essentials Plus (CE+) is an advanced level of certification that includes an independent assessment to verify that the organisation’s cyber security measures are effective. 

Achieving Cyber Essentials certification is not just about enhancing your organisation’s security posture; it can also open up new business opportunities. Do you deal with government organisations? If not, but you aspire to, obtaining CE or CE+ is essential. This certification is a mandatory requirement for suppliers bidding for UK Government contracts that involve the handling of sensitive or personal information. Do you want to? If you’re looking to expand your business and engage with government bodies, achieving Cyber Essentials certification is a necessary step. 

Beyond government contracts, Cyber Essentials is also considered best practice for any organisation looking to demonstrate their commitment to security and differentiate themselves from competitors. Implementing the standards of CE & CE+ reassures clients, partners, and stakeholders that your organisation takes cyber security seriously and has measures in place to protect against common threats.

Cyber Essentials certified logoCyber Essentials certified logo

Ensure your organisation adheres to the five core controls of Cyber Essentials: secure configuration, access control, patch management, malware protection, and firewalls

Cyber Essentials Plus certified logoCyber Essentials Plus certified logo

Start with Cyber Essentials certification and then progress to Cyber Essentials Plus for a more thorough evaluation and stronger assurance.

review security iconreview security icon

Regularly review and update your security measures to stay aligned with the evolving standards and maintain your certification.


Achieving CE certification opens the door to government contracts and business opportunities with organisations that require their partners to adhere to high security standards. 


Being Cyber Essentials certified sets your organisation apart from competitors, demonstrating your commitment to cyber security and best practices.

Enhanced Security

Implementing the CE and CE+ controls strengthens your defences against common cyber threats, protecting your organisation from potential data breaches & financial loss. 


The Cyber Essentials framework helps you comply with various regulations and standards, reducing the risk of legal complications. 


Certification reassures clients and stakeholders that you have taken proactive steps to secure your systems and protect their data. 

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) refers to a security solution that continuously monitors and responds to cyber threats across all endpoints, such as laptops, desktops, servers, and mobile devices. EDR solutions provide visibility into endpoint activities, detect suspicious behaviour, and enable rapid incident response to contain and mitigate threats before they can cause harm. 

With the growing sophistication of cyber-attacks, relying solely on traditional antivirus and firewall solutions is no longer sufficient. EDR is crucial because it provides real-time threat detection and automated responses, helping to prevent breaches and minimise damage. Do you have enough resources to respond to log alerts from your network? For many organisations, the answer is no. Managing and analysing the vast number of alerts generated daily can be overwhelming, especially when security teams are stretched thin. 

Imagine it’s the middle of the night— what happens at 3am in the morning when you receive a cyber alert? Are you able to respond promptly, or does the alert go unchecked until the morning, giving attackers a window of opportunity? This is where EDR solutions shine. With advanced capabilities like automated responses and managed detection and response (MDR) services, you can ensure that threats are dealt with immediately, no matter the time of day. 

Would you like this dealt with for you? Many businesses opt to partner with a managed EDR provider who can handle alerts and incident responses 24/7, allowing your in-house team to focus on strategic security initiatives without the constant pressure of monitoring and responding to threats. 

secure endpoints iconsecure endpoints icon

Implement EDR software on all endpoints to continuously monitor activities, detect anomalies, and respond to threats in real-time. 

24/7 monitoring icon24/7 monitoring icon

Partner with a provider who offers 24/7 monitoring and response to ensure your network is protected around the clock, even when your internal team is unavailable.

SIEM System iconSIEM System icon

Combine EDR with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems to enhance visibility and streamline incident response across your entire IT environment.

24/7 Threat

EDR solutions provide round-the-clock surveillance, ensuring that any suspicious activity is immediately detected and addressed, regardless of when it occurs.


EDR systems can automatically isolate affected endpoints and initiate remediation actions, reducing the time it takes to contain and resolve incidents. 


Gain comprehensive insight into endpoint activities, enabling better understanding and quicker identification of potential threats. 


Managed EDR services relieve your in-house team from the burden of constant monitoring, allowing them to focus on proactive security measures. 

Rapid Incident Response

With real-time detection and automated responses, EDR significantly shortens the time it takes to respond to and recover from cyber incidents, minimising potential damage. 

Are you ready to take your Cyber Security to the next level?

In today’s digital landscape, robust Cyber Security is essential for protecting your organisation from a myriad of threats. From implementing Security Awareness Training to conducting regular PEN Testing, establishing a solid Security Backup strategy, ensuring Email Security, fortifying Application Security, achieving Cyber Essentials certification, and deploying advanced Endpoint Detection and Response solutions, each aspect plays a critical role in safeguarding your business.

By prioritising these measures, you not only protect your sensitive data but also enhance your overall security posture, build trust with clients, and ensure business continuity in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Schedule a consultation with us and discover how our comprehensive Cyber Security solutions can help you secure your organisation against potential threats.
Don’t wait until it’s too late — protect your business now!

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