Inspire curiosity in young learners with Genee's Panda-inspired coding robot, turning coding and AI into a fun, interactive adventure. Perfectly designed to meet the growing demand for early STEAM education, making learning engaging and accessible.
Unlock the Future of Education with Pando the Coding Robot!
Graphic Coding
Scratch graphic coding software for product based learning.
Intelligent Sensing
Autonomous recognition, intelligent sonar sensing features.
Voice & Light Action
Unleashing creativity with voice and light interaction capabilities.
Artificial Intelligence
An accessible introduction to AI, ensuring children are ahead of the curve.
Watch Pando in Action: Coding Made Fun!
Learning becomes an engaging adventure with the incorporation of graphic coding, particularly through the globally renowned software, Scratch.
Paired with the Pando hardware, designed to captivate young minds with its adorable and attractive design, graphic coding becomes not only accessible but also irresistible.
Pando serves as the ultimate tech toy, making entry-level STEAM education an exciting and enjoyable journey. Bring creativity and imagination to the forefront of learning today.
Foster Creativity and Critical Thinking
Pando brings a range of exclusive robotics features, all seamlessly controllable through Pando’s intuitive programming mode. Designed to inspire and engage, Pando empowers children to explore the exciting possibilities of STEAM.
Autonomous Recognition
Race around the track with Pando’s Infrared Sensor’s recognition of black/white racing lines.
Pando’s Ultra Sonic Sensor enables Pando to stop before object impact at a chosen distance.
Light & Sound Exploration
Delve into a sensory experience of light and sound with Pando’s customisable head and tail lights and dynamic sound library.
Choose from built-in buzzer sounds or create your own compositions with the keyboard feature.
Endless Creativity
Take creativity to the next level with Pando’s compatibility with standard building blocks.
Design and build your own unique attachments, unlocking endless possibilities for imaginative play.
Empower Project Based Learning: Pando Education Curriculum
Genee's structured education curriculum nurtures children’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills through project based learning, empowering them to excel in a dynamic world.
Take project based learning to the next level with a series of comprehensive learning modules from Pando.
Gain an in-depth understanding of Pando through interactive educational elements such as Scenario Introductions, Student Challenges, Teaching Processes, and Q&A sessions.
Ready to elevate your approach to early years education?
Discover Pando's Full Specs and More!
Download the Pando User Manual for a complete product guide and explore Pando functionality in detail.