The Fellowes Pixel A4 home office
laminator is jam free when used with Fellowes branded laminating pouches as it features a release lever which allows you to realign documents that have been misfed into the
laminator. This Fellowes home office use
laminator machine can laminate up to 125 micron laminating pouches, ideal for laminating your important documents or giving you a professional finish to your photos or personal projects. After a 3 minute heat up time, your Pixel A4
laminator is ready for use. A Jam release lever helps prevent paper jams by allowing the user to remove and realign misfed documents. With the Auto Shut Off feature, the laminating machine will automatically
power down after 30 minutes of inactivity, reducing the
laminators energy consumption. Your Fellowes A4 laminator comes with a handy 10 document starter pack with samples of Fellowes laminating pouches, allowing you to get laminating straight away!
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